Sterling Hops
Moderate bittering values with a mix of Saaz and Mt. Hood properties. Herbs and spices dominate, flowers and citrus around the fringes.
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Hop Qualities
Sterling Hops Flavor
American floral hop released in 1998. A cross between Saaz and Mount Hood in character but easier to grow. (Reference)
Hop Growers of America Information
Sterling is an aroma variety that was bred from Saaz and a number of other varieties. It has herbal and spicy aroma notes with a hint of floral and citrus. Sterling is perceived to be similar to a combination of Saaz and Mt. Hood, and many brewers use it as a replacement for Saaz. It is typically used in Pilsners and Lagers, as well as Belgian-style Ales.
- Commercial Examples:
- Pilsners, Lagers, Belgian-style Ales
- Acid Range (Alpha %)
- Beta Range
- Cohumulone
- 22–28% of alpha acids
- Total Oils
- 1.3–1.9 Mls. per 100 grams dried hops
- Myrcene
44–48% of total oils
- Caryophyllene
- 5–7% of total oils
- Humulene
- 19–23% of total oils
- Farnesene
- 11–17% of total oils
- Possible Substitutions
USDA Sterling Hops Information
SELECTION: seedling selection Nr. 9043-52
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupuls
CULTIVAR: Sterling
PEDIGREE: USDA 21522 x USDA 21361M
Saazer 38 x [Cas x (65009 - 64035M)]
PRIMARY SITE USDA/OSU hop farm, East Farm, Corvallis, OR.
ORIGIN: seedling selection from cross 9043 made by Dr. Al Haunold in 1990
DATE RECEIVED: spring 1991
METHOD RECEIVED: seedling selection
AVAILBILITY: no restricions, commercial cultivar
REFERENCES: various USDA/ARS annual reports starting in 1990
Various Annual Reports to the Hop Research Council starting in 1993
USDA/ARS: Notice of release of Santiam, a new aroma hop. Summer 1999
MATURITY: medium to medium early
LEAF COLOR: dark green
SEX: female
DISEASES: downy mildew: moderately resistant
VIGOR: powdery mildew: moderately resdistant
Verticillum wilt: no information; no symptoms observed in OR test plots
Viruses: free of all major hop viruses at the time of release
YIELD: very good, 1,800 to 2,000 lbs/acre in Oregon test plots
SIDE ARM LENGTH: 24 to 36 inches
ALPHA ACIDS: 6 to 9%
BETA ACIDS: 4 to 6%
OIL: 1.3 to 1.9 ml/100 g
Humulene 19 - 23; caryophyllene 5 - 7; farnesene 11-17; myrcene 46; no selenine ; H/C ratio = 3.3
MAJOR TRAITS: diploid, 2n = 20; aroma and oil compositoin very similar to Saazer (USDA 21077) and other Saazer clones. Pleasant continental aroma;
suitable for replacing Saazer hops in brewery blends. Much higher yield potential than Saazer hops.
OTHER INFORMATION: This hop has only been tested commercially in Oregon. The initial release by USDA is based on Oregon test results. Testing in Washington state is under way.
Sterling is an aroma variety with herbal and spicy notes with a hint of floral and citrus. It is typically used in Pilsners and Lagers, as well as Belgian-style Ales.