Mt. Hood Rhizome
Hallertauer hybrid that was released in 1989 from the USDA breeding program in Oregon. More vigorous and disease resistant than its German counterparts with low alpha acids, beta acids and cohumulone but high humulene content.
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Hop Qualities
Mt. Hood Rhizome Flavor
Soft American variety developed from Hallertau. Frequently used in styles that require only a subtle hop aroma. Named for Mount Hood in Oregon. (Reference)
Order Mt. Hood Rhizome
Hop Growers of America Information
Named after the famous Oregon volcano, Mt. Hood is an aroma variety that was bred from the German Hallertauer variety and released in 1989 from the U.S.D.A. breeding program in Oregon. It has clear similarities to German Hallertauer and Hersbrucker, and is typically used in Lagers, Pilsners, Bocks, Wheat, Alt, and Helles beers.
- Commercial Examples:
- German Lagers, American Lagers, Pilsners, Bocks, Wheat, Alt, and Helles beers
- Acid Range (Alpha %)
- Beta Range
- Cohumulone
- 21–23% of alpha acids
- Total Oils
- 1.2–1.7 Mls. per 100 grams dried hops
- Myrcene
30–40% of total oils
- Caryophyllene
- 13–16% of total oils
- Humulene
- 30–34% of total oils
- Possible Substitutions
USDA Mt. Hood Rhizome Information
SELECTION: Seedling selection from a 1983 cross between the colchicine-induced tetraploid female Hallertauer m.f. (USDA 21397) and the male breeding line USDA 19058M made at Corvallis, Oregon
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupulus
PEDIGREE: 21397 x 19058M
Tetraploid Hallertauer m.f. x Early Green-Unknown Seedling
PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm
ORIGIN: Seedling No. 8301-10 of cross 8301
DATE RECEIVED: 1983; USDA Accession No. assigned in 1985
METHOD RECEIVED: Seedling selection, USDA Accession No. assigned in 1985
AVAILABILITY: No restrictions
REFERENCES: Haunold, A, and G.B. Nickerson. Registration of Mt. Hood Hop (Registration No. 16, PI 535808). Crop Sci. 30:423. 1990.
Haunold, A. and G.B. Nickerson. Mt. Hood, a New American Noble Aroma Hop. American Society of Brewing Chemists Journal
48(3):115-118. 1990.
USDA-ARS Ann. Report and Data Summary 1985. p. 24.
Annual Reports to the Hop Research Council, 1986 to 1990.
LEAF COLOR: Green to light green
SEX: Female
DISEASES: Downy Mildew: moderately resistant
Verticillium wilt: unknown, probably tolerant or
Viruses: free of Apple and Cherry serotypes of Prunus Necrotic Ringspot, Free of Hop Mosaic, Hop Latent, and American Hop Latent viruses. Occasional yellow flecks on lower leaves, probably due to physiological factors.
VIGOR: Good to very good
YIELD: 1,400-2,200 kg/ha (1250-1960 lbs/acre)
SIDEARM LENGTH: 50-120 cm (20-40 inches)
BETA ACIDS: 6-7.5%
OIL: 1.4 ml/100 g
MAJOR TRAITS: Similar to noble aroma European hops, low myrcene (below 50%), high humulene (26-36%), no farnesene. Ratio humulene/caryophyllene 2.5- 2.8.
OTHER INFORMATION: Triploid, 2n=3x=30, naturally seedless, even when grown in the presence of fertile diploid males. Adapted to Oregon and Washington hop growing areas. Not adapted to southern Idaho. 1991 production 950,000 lbs (867 acres). Total 1997 production was 1.12 million lbs.
Mt. Hood is a hybrid of Hallertauer hybrid with a similar mild flower/spice aroma characteristics with a hint more of the forest. Similar to noble aroma European hops, low myrcene (below50%), high humulene (26-36%), no farnesene.