Willamette Rhizome
$4.50 – $8.00
A triploid hybrid of the English Fuggle released in 1976 from the USDA breeding program. Fragrant, spicy, woody aroma.
Hop Qualities
Willamette Rhizome Flavor
The king of aroma hops in the U.S. with its modest bittering value and sublime blend of flowers, fruit, earth and spice notes. (Reference)
Order Willamette Rhizome
Hop Growers of America Information
Named after Oregon’s Willamette River, which runs through that state’s hop growing region, Willamette was released in 1976 from the U.S.D.A. breeding program. It is a daughter of the classic English variety, Fuggle, and is characterized by a low alpha content and mild aroma. Willamette is the most widely grown U.S. aroma hop. It imparts a mild, slightly spicy, and pleasant aroma in beer.
- Commercial Examples:
- Ales, Lagers
- Acid Range (Alpha %)
- Beta Range
- Cohumulone
- 30% of alpha acids
- Total Oils
- 1–1.5 Mls. per 100 grams dried hops
- Myrcene
30–40% of total oils
- Caryophyllene
- 6.5–8.2% of total oils
- Humulene
- 20–27% of total oils
- Farnesene
- 5–6% of total oils
- Possible Substitutions
USDA Willamette Rhizome Information
SELECTION: Seedling selection No. 6761-117 of cross 6761 made at
Corvallis, Oregon in 1967.
GENUS: Humulus
SPECIES: lupulus
CULTIVAR: Willamette
PEDIGREE: Tetraploid Fuggle (USDA 21003) x Fuggle seedling 2-4
PRIMARY SITE: USDA World Hop Cultivar Collection, OSU East Farm
ORIGIN: Cross 6761 made in 1967 at Corvallis, Oregon
DATE RECEIVED: Selected and Accession Number assigned in 1971
METHOD RECEIVED: Seedling selection
AVAILABILITY: No restrictions, commercial cultivar
REFERENCES: Haunold, A., C. E. Homer, S. T. Likens, D. D. Roberts
and C. E. Zimmermann. 1976. Registration of Willa-
mette Hop. Crop Sci. 16: 739.
Haunold, A., S. T. Likens, C. E. Homer, G. B.
Nickerson and C. E. Zimmermann. 1977. Columbia and
Willamette, two new aroma type hop varieties. Brewer’s
Digest 52:36-39, 56.
LEAF COLOR: Dark green
SEX: Female
DISEASES: Downy Mildew: resistant
Verticillium Wilt: tolerant to moderately susceptible
Viruses: free of Prunus, Apple and Hop Mosaic Virus
VIGOR: Excellent
YIELD: Very good, 1700-2200 lbs/acre
SIDE ARM LENGTH: 24-40 inches
ALPHA ACIDS: 6.6% (10 year range: 5.2 to 11.1)
BETA ACIDS: 3.8% (10 year range: 2.9 to 5.0)
OIL: 0.8-1.2 ml/100 g. Humulene 21.2%; caryophyllene 7.4; myrcene 51.0%
Farnesene 5.0%. H/C ratio = 2.89
MAJOR TRAITS: Triploid (2n = 30), seedless even in the presence of
fertile males, high yield potential, Fuggle-type aroma profile.
OTHER INFORMATION: Used as Fuggle replacement by a major U.S. brewer.
Grown primarily in Oregon. 2100 acres grown in 1986
(mostly in Oregon) produced 3.4 million lbs (6.9% of
U.S. production). Major acreage expansion in 1987. In 1997 Willamette
ranked third in US hop acreage (7,578 acres) and produced 11.144 mill.lbs.
Named after the Willamette River, which flows through the fertile Willamette Valley in Oregon, this rhizome is a triploid hybrid of English Fuggle released in 1976 from the USDA breeding program. Fragrant, spicy, woody aroma. Now available in two size options – regular and jumbo.